The following discussion clip is from the Occupy Wall Street demand discussion list.
Let me repeat a point I made elsewhere. The goal of our protest is not a short term objective. We want changes that apply for ALL generations in the future, not just for the benefit of people in power now. So, this means we need to add two more DEMANDs to the list:
Congress shall establish a Department of SUSTAINABILITY, with the responsibility for developing a WORLD MODEL that addresses ALL the known and reasonably anticipated factors which significantly affect the welfare of human society. All new laws presented to congress for action must demonstrate that they are not harmful to future life on this planet, EITHER in aggregate or LOCALLY.
The criterion used for social planning related to judging harm shall not be limited to economic indicators, but, rather, must hold PRIMARY, parameters accepted by WORLD populations as contributors to the QUALITY OF LIFE. The WORLD MODEL must EXPLICITLY state the PUBLICLY ACCEPTED BASIS for economic disparity which is used to judge harm. These issues are discussed further at under Sustainability.