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Tag Archives: Complexity
Fixing Congress
The following discussion clip is from the Occupy Wall Street demand discussion list. Requiring [congressional] bills to treat subjects one at a time is a good rule. However, trying to patch up how congress enacts legislation is not something that … Continue reading
A Method to Reduce Our Need For Lawyers
The following discussion clip is from the Occupy Wall Street demand discussion list. Here is the lead in post from jrykom: Don’t let the lawyers slide in this protest. Thay are just as big a problem as Wall Street. With … Continue reading
A Solution for Simplifying U.S. Law
The following discussion clip is from the Occupy Wall Street demand discussion list. Here is the lead in post from grapes: Enforce a simple rule that any contract too complicated for the average Joes and Jills (such as those people … Continue reading
The Unions – Part of a Bigger Problem
Ah yes! The UNIONS. The “problem” with the unions is actually similar to the problem we have with corporations, colleges, the military, public education and government itself. And that problem is ISOLATION! I.E. IVORY TOWERS! Whenever society “solves” any problem … Continue reading
Restructuring the Supreme Court
The following discussion clip is from the Occupy Wall Street demand discussion list. There were a number of posts attacking the Supreme Court decision to allow corporations to make political contributions. But, the Supreme Court has a number of faults … Continue reading
The Seven Deadly Sins
The following discussion clip is from the Occupy Wall Street demand discussion list. Here is the lead in post from dyck: We are the people AND the government. Think about how, if many of us are always thinking about ourselves, … Continue reading
Direct Democracy – Not As Simple As It Seems
The following discussion clip is from the Occupy Wall Street demand discussion list. I wish Direct Democracy was as easy and effective as it seems. It isn’t. Here are two reasons. Think about it. Why do the presidential elections always … Continue reading