Disease and Population Collapse

A recent article from “The Hill” magazine’s Changing America series, written by Alexandra Kelley on July 15, 2020, reported a truly DEVASTATING statistic. The article was titled, “Almost one-third of Florida children tested are positive for the coronavirus”. The statistic was exactly what it says in the title: almost 1/3 of a sample of 54,000 Florida children tested POSITIVE for Covid-19! This is truly DEVASTATING because of its implication for reopening schools in the fall of 2020. If such a high fraction – actually 31% in the sample – of students are positive, it will be impossible to stop it from spreading to the remainder of the students, especially if severe protection measures are not taken. If newly watered down CDC guidelines are used, spreading to most of the students is inevitable.

What that means is, most of the children will carry the virus home to their families and the community. The pandemic will ravage society!

In my new book, Collapse 2020 Vol. 1: Fall of the First Global Civilization, one of the contributing factors to the collapse of civilization will be a major collapse of world population. The source material I drew on for this observation was the Club of Rome study done in 1970. That study was not specific about how the collapse of world population would occur because it would not be confined to just one cause. It would include causes like: disease, famine, war, AND suicide. But, it would also occur due to increases in all types of illness as humans were afflicted with disease, famine and war. The result of so many deaths would lead to huge levels of suicide as people tried to avoid the pain and hopelessness of the other causes.

The original timelines suggested by the 1970 study put the collapse in the second half of the 21st century. But those projections were based on the assumption that, after the report was presented, the world would take positive environmental and social protection actions to prevent the collapse.

In fact, during the 4 years after the report was released, under the guidance of the United Nations, almost every nation agreed to take action and many plans were created. In fact, this was the driver for China to implement its “one child family” program. TRAGICALLY, all of this was not to happen. The carbon industry and U.S. commercial firms launched a major misinformation program to scuttle the effort. Most of the countries then backed down – China being the only country to fulfill their commitment.

The result was, for the 50 years since that time, every nation of the world made climate and social decisions that were WORSE than the worst case scenarios modeled by the Club of Rome study. That means, the time of occurrence of the collapse continually became closer and closer. We have now entered the COLLAPSE.

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About Bruce Nappi

Founder/Director of the A3 Research Institute, the A3 Society, the Humanist Friendship Group of New England. Co-founder of the School of the Medical Arts, the first all medical high school in the U.S. Eagle Scout on the 1965 North Pole Expedition. Worked for 40 years at the bleeding edge of high tech covering areas like nuclear power, robotics, medical instruments, automation, and healthcare. Most recently focused on medical simulation training at the University of Florida, College of Medicine. In 2010, published two books to summarize major discoveries in science, sociology, psychology, and world sustainability. In 2013, founded the A3 Research Institute to gather people of like interests, to implement the discoveries which support sustainability. In 2015, completed and published a major scientific paper which proposes a new structure for matter in the universe, presents a model for the Grand Unification of matter and energy, and supersedes Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. BS and MSc degrees from MIT ’69. My current primary focus is on Personalized Democracy, a major breakthrough to overcome gridlock in governments and the breakdown of communication between people in society. Personalized Democracy will usher in a political system that, for the first time in history, gives citizens not only DIRECT access to all parts of government, but also control of legislation so that their personal needs are respected and implemented. Mr. Nappi holds BS and MSc degrees from MIT ‘69
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