Hypocrisy Justifying Government Expenditures

In a Tweet on 7/17/20, Pete Buttigieg, former U.S. presidential candidate stated, in relation to U.S. government response to the U.S. Covid-19 disaster, “If nothing is done, 28 million Americans could be facing eviction at the end of this month. Congress must act to extend the moratorium and protect millions of families from the devastating effects of homelessness.” 28 million American’s is a BIG number! But once numbers become larger than a few dozen, the average person is not able to visualize such numbers and make rational judgments about them.

Think back to 2010. In that year, there was an earthquake in Haiti. Over 1.5M people were made homeless! The world saw this. The grief of those people was horrifying. The entire world felt their grief. There were many instant international relief efforts. Government leaders were quick to convince the public that country’s should be willing to give money, materials and people to help with such a tragedy.

Now jump ahead to 2008. In the U.S., after the 2008 home loan scandal, the banks, with government enforcement, created their own mass homeless crisis for their own people. Almost 9 million Americans were thrown into the streets! All told, it was equivalent to 6 Haiti earthquakes. For the human lives involved, it was the equivalent of a Haiti earthquake every 3 months during 2011! Where was the outpouring of relief efforts? Where were the cries that such disruption of life was “WORTH” the government expense?

Now jump ahead again to 2020. Pete Buttigieg warns of 28 million Americans made homeless! This catastrophe was easily foreseen by government planners – i.e. U.S. House and Senate – months ago. Where is the empathy now? Where is the concern for the grief that will occur? And where is the response and leadership from the office of the President? Remember what happened in 2001 when 3,000 Americans died on 9/11? The President put in motion an effort that led to 14+ years of WAR, with many trillions of dollars spent. But what is being done when 28 million AMERICAN lives are at risk of being thrown into chaos? Isn’t that cause for concern? That is equivalent to 18 HAITI EARTHQUAKES!

Doesn’t the social equivalent of 18 Haiti earthquakes in the U.S. all at once cause any of the U.S. legislators to feel the “grief” of those people?

The 2 houses of congress didn’t even cancel their summer recess to react to this. HOW CAN WE MAKE SENSE OUT OF IT ? ? ? ?

In my book, Collapse 2020 Vol. 1: Fall of the First Global Civilization, I discuss how a better understanding of human brains, which have not evolved much since the Stone Age, can open a new door to understand this. The book, for the first time, describes how human brains produce what we call “human consciousness” – i.e. self awareness. This discovery leads directly to severe language flaws. These flaws have locked human societies from the beginning of time into a continual history of WAR and ruthless subjugation of the larger population.

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About Bruce Nappi

Founder/Director of the A3 Research Institute, the A3 Society, the Humanist Friendship Group of New England. Co-founder of the School of the Medical Arts, the first all medical high school in the U.S. Eagle Scout on the 1965 North Pole Expedition. Worked for 40 years at the bleeding edge of high tech covering areas like nuclear power, robotics, medical instruments, automation, and healthcare. Most recently focused on medical simulation training at the University of Florida, College of Medicine. In 2010, published two books to summarize major discoveries in science, sociology, psychology, and world sustainability. In 2013, founded the A3 Research Institute to gather people of like interests, to implement the discoveries which support sustainability. In 2015, completed and published a major scientific paper which proposes a new structure for matter in the universe, presents a model for the Grand Unification of matter and energy, and supersedes Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. BS and MSc degrees from MIT ’69. My current primary focus is on Personalized Democracy, a major breakthrough to overcome gridlock in governments and the breakdown of communication between people in society. Personalized Democracy will usher in a political system that, for the first time in history, gives citizens not only DIRECT access to all parts of government, but also control of legislation so that their personal needs are respected and implemented. Mr. Nappi holds BS and MSc degrees from MIT ‘69
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